Thai amulets Kumanthong Dood Rok twins "Long and Rak" blessed by the very famous pundit monk Lp Poon Wat Bannsunk, Royet province. This special twins Kumanthong Doodrok "Long and Rak" had been invited by Lp Poon, for them to be able to collect good deeds and make good karma (waiting to be rebirth) , these twins will willing to help you with love, work, business, gambling luck, Saneh, Maha Niyom, be popular, be loveable, granting all wishes. Made mainly from Nur Wan Saneh and Wan Chokelarp (love attraction and lucky fortune)
Katha: Jade-Ta-Si Gung-Ru-Pung Ni-Mit-Tung Ku-Ma-Ro-Ja (repeated 3 times)