Thai amulet Jatukam Ramathep , Kruba Noi, Wat Sreedonmoon, Petch Sethtee Mungmeesap edition.
Included of many holy saksit materials, such as muarsarn saksit holy powders wan 108, pong puttakhun from Kruba Noi, pong pad mixed with Gesa of Kruba Joa Sree Wichai, old holy materials from Phra Aj Num Wat Donsala, Lp Tiem Wat Kasattratirah, Lp Nor Wat Klangtarue, and many more, behind embed with takrut Ga Satorn (reflects all bad things out from your life).
First blessing ceremony was taken place at San Lukmuang , Nakornsreethammarath province by Geji Aj from Kowaor as Joa Pitee, after that the amulet then brought to blessed at wat Sreedonmoon, including Geji Aj from Kowaor, Geiji Aj from Say Lanna, Geiji Aj from Burma and many more more Geiji monks from all over Thailand.
Abilities to bring you wealth, prosperity, as well as protection.