Thai amulets Mini Red Rangrit Hoon Payon Arkom Thong Deang blessed by Aj. Panthep Arsrom Payangya
Used Ya-ka 7 cemetery soil to wrap into Hoon Payon effect to matta mahaniyom men follow, women follow. Turning bad luck into good luck, return bad spells to the sender. The head is wrapping with corpse cloth, blessed individually one by one 7 Saturday 7 Tuesday, blessed until behaving and acting like human with 4 elements.
When you are in downfall, this hoon payon will take it all for you, no dangers or bad luck will harm you. Bringing good luck, calling wealth, ward away bad spirits. Worship in the house, in car, in the office/ work place to protect from dangers or you can keep hoon payon together with you.
Katha/ Prayer :
Na Ma Pa Ta Ah Ah Ni Ni Sa Sa So So Ti Va Ta Nung (repeated 3 times)
worship with 1 glass of water, a shot of whisky/ some fruits
Approximately 5 x 3.5 cm.
you will receive the one shown in the picture.