Thai amulet Hoon Payon/ Prai Payon Por Reangdeth blessed by Phra Aj Suppasit Wat Bamgnumchon BE 2564.
It is an old belief that whoever have hoon payon to worship, that person will have a personal bodyguard to fulfil your wishes as well as receive bad lucks for its owner. Hoon Payon also give you protection when you travel, prevent from bad curses, bad spells, accident, bad people. Moreover it will also look after household, look after your wealth, your assets, as well as attracted wealth and lucky fortune, metta maha saneah, maha niyom, bring in customers to your shop.
For this special edition, included of coffin nails from 7 Meru, Metal top from Yod Jeidi from 7 temples, 7 kind of prosperity leaf (such as Baitarn, Bailarn, Baikanhun, Baikoon, Baipayung, Bairak, Baijant), smashed them all together and burned mixed with sacred metal mentioning above. 7 big piece of metal Yant Sorod, Yant Phra Orrahan 8 directions, Yant Buddha 16 Phraong (Baramee 30 Tad), all these melted together while Phra Aj Suppasit chanting old ancient kumpee boran in making Hoon Payon Loha Arthan.
Moreover there are many kind of holy Wan included in making this hoon payon, for example, Wan Changpasomklong, Reabangpai, Wan Toawanlhong, Ya Saneah, Wan Dokthong, Wan Saneahjantdeang, Ya Pissanuluang, Wan Metta 108, Wan Kaideang, 7 cemetery soils, Pong Prai, Pong Prai 59 Ton, Pong Thong Phra Prathan, Pong Tabai 108, Din 7 Jompueak.
On the body of hoon payon has 4 yant huajai which called as huajai mahakarn (inn, Jan, Mun, Kong) calling all 4 elements, 32 acts like human.
There are 2 versions for this hoon payon, one will come in stainless steel case, underneath embed with takrut torahod and Ong Kru in which come in Payon Arthan Oil (in waterproof case) inside has silver torahod takrut.