Thai amulets Mother Dokthong 12 Ton Metta Maha Saneh, Maha Niyom By Aj PuEE.
Include over 12 Wan Dokthong oil , Mea Yue Meaung Maha Saneh Powder. Takrut Mak Mea love lust mantra, rea dood sap and many more love luck holy materials. Those who have trouble in love, put the amulet under the pillow, write your lover name or the name of the person you want, that person will dream about you, want to come to see you. The amulet also good for gambling luck, success in life, good business.
Kam Ma Lung
See Wa Lung
Kum Lung Ja Hung
Ou Ka Pa Sa Pu
(repeated 3 times) then make your own wishes)