Thai amulets See Pueng Lip Balm Extra Saney Kamasutra Metta Maha Saney Powerful love attraction Lp Kruba Thammamunee
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Thai amulets See Pueng Extra Saney Kamasutra by the very famous Lp Kruba Thammanunee, Suan Pa Buddha Sathan Supraditmethee. For those who has encountered or has been using Lp Kruba Thammamunee will know that he has produce the best amulets for Metta Maha Saney, Maha Niyom. This time, he has created the even more powerful and strong See Pueng than he ever did before.
Beginning by preparing Bee hives from Mayom's tree, Kanun tree, Marum Tree then written yantra Maha Saney Chan Kru i.e. Na Kon Wak Himmaphan, Nang Galong yantra, Na Dor Lor Hee, Chang Phasom Klong Yantra, Phraya Tekrue yantra, Na Jai Aoon. With additional of plenty of wan Maha Saney such as Wan Soa Long, Wan Saney Nang Lom, Wan Phra ya Kai Deand, Wan Dokthong, Wan Din Sor Lersi, Wan Jooj Nang and many more. All these holy materials are mixed together and make into powder while chanting Kamasutra Katha, the finished powder then called Wan Maha Saney Kamasutra powder.
This special See Pueng has mostly all abilities, especially in Metta Maha Saney, you will be loved by people around you, success in love for those who are seeking for love and want to be success in love. Please be remind that this See Pueng will not work with married person, or to break someone's family, anything with immoral purpose, please do not do. Other than immoral use, See Pueng will granted your wishes, success negotiation, got promotion in your work, love success.
Apply very little on your forehead then say this katha:
Put Tung Rak Ka Jit Tung A Hi Rak Ka Jit Tung
Tham Mung Rak Ka Jit Tung A Hi Rak Ka Jit Tung
Sung Kung Rak Ka Jit Tung A Hi Rak Ka Jit Tung
(repeated all 5 times, then make your wishes)