Special Thai amulets Takrut Na Pokkasap Maha Sethtee Rub Choke by Lp Narong Wat Mongkolnimit.
Takrut Dok Deang Open up your faith, best in bringing up your downfall faith, wash away all obstacles in your life, create lucky fortune. For those who has never been lucky in their life, no lucky fortune, no gambling luck, difficult and not smooth with work, no business, bad money flow, this takrut will help you to open up your luck and take away all difficulty in your life.
Bucha and worship this takrut by
Na Mo Ta Sa
Pak Ka Wa To
R Ra Ha To
Sum Ma Sum Put Ta Sa
(Repeated 3 times)
Then say
Tu Sa Ni Ma Ta Nung Po Kung A Hi
Ma Ma Ma Ha La Po
Pa Wan Tu Mea
( repeated 3 or 7 times)
I didnt put case on because it is best for you to hold takrut with your hand and get physical contact. Often do praying to this takrut and do lots of merit with strong faith and belief, this takrut will change your life to a better and smoother career, bring lucky fortune and prosperity.
One of many takrut which i do recommend. Very good feedback from all customers that has been used this takrut. Please remember to have strong faith and belief in your own amulet and do lots of merits.