Thai amulets Thep Phra Asurintarahu Song Krut Joa Sap, Plick Duang Maha Sethtee. Nur pong arthan veth by Aj Korakot.
The amulet portray Phra Asurinta with Phra Rahu riding on Garuda. Special edition with the back contained Toa Vethsuwan (King of all ghost) in copper rien coin.
Bring up downfall faith, turn bad luck into good luck, open up wealth and calling good fortune, give protection from harm, bad spells and curses.
Nur pong arthan veth, green is for attracted wealth as well as suitable for those who were born on Wednesday to worship (but if you did not born on Wednesday, it is great to worship also, there are no restriction 😊🙏).
#tanyathaiamulet #protectioncharm #luckypendant #wealthamulet #thaiamulet #genuine #holyblessed #toavethsuwan #garuda